ATTENTION: Due to its success and reputation, INDUSTECHNIC is a victim of identity theft, which results in e-mails being sent, not from our company, containing a listing of electronic parts for sale. All our email addresses end with DO NOT REPLY TO ANY EMAILS FROM UNUSUAL EMAIL ADDRESSES!


Industechnic is the ecconomical and qualitative solution for the service and maintenance of your KUKA robots. We maintain all the 6 axis manipulator arms but also the controllers from the most recent to the very old. We also have the distinction of restoring the electronics and mechanics of your SCARA, Sixx and AGILUS robot.

To meet all your need:
- Specialist are at your disposal,
- We have a large stock of electronic and mechanicals parts,
- We intervene everywhere in the world.

                                                                                                                 => Contact us <=

We repair and supply all the spare parts electrics, electronics and mechanics

  • Servo Drive or Servo Module System
  • Computer
  • Teach Pendant (KCP, SmartPad)
  • Controllers (KRC1, KRC1A, KRC2Sr, KRC2, KRC4)
  • Robots (KR5 to KR350)
  • Wrists (zh125/2, zh350, …)
  • Servo Motors
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