ATTENTION: Due to its success and reputation, INDUSTECHNIC is a victim of identity theft, which results in e-mails being sent, not from our company, containing a listing of electronic parts for sale. All our email addresses end with DO NOT REPLY TO ANY EMAILS FROM UNUSUAL EMAIL ADDRESSES!

Robotic Maintenance

Maintenance & On site

INDUSTECHNIC works on site, on your robots ABB, FANUC, KUKA, Motoman.

  • Preventive Maintenance on site (Several maintenance range, with or without changing oils)
  • On-site Robot repairs
  • Programmation
  • Hotline



For robots S3, S4, S4C, S4C+, IRC5

- For robots IRB140, IRB340, IRB640, IRB1400, IRB1500, IRB2000, IRB2400,IRB3000, IRB4400, IRB6000, IRB6400, IRB6400R, IRB6600, IRB7600,...



For robots RJ2, Rj3, R30


For robots MRC, XRC
For robots Sk6, Sk16, Sk45, Sk120


For robots KRC1, KRC2
For robots Kr6, Kr30, Kr60, Kr100, Kr125, Kr150, Kr160, Kr180,Kr200, Kr350,...


kuka_robot.jpg kuka_robot2.jpg

Repair, maintenance électronique ROBOTS
Industechnic can repair your robotic equipment such as :kukarobot_s4c

- Drive - Microprocessor card Robot .....
- NC
- Console
- Power supply
- Programming station


- Module
- Battery charger- Dimmer



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