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Power Supplies

We can repair or exchange all kinds of power supplies:

In rack, card or box, we carry out, in workshop or on site, the complete repair of all kinds of power supplies and technologies. 

-Simple power supply,
-Linear power supply,
-Stabilised power supply,
-AC/DC power supply,
-Servo power supply,
-Miniature power supply,
-High power supply,
-Multi-outputs power supply,
-Welding power supply,
-Switching mode power supply,
-Specific power supply,

==>In addition to its repair, each is reconditionned and implemented in order to be tested on load.

We carry out the maintenance of various power supply technologies, medical or laboratory equipment, from a few Watts to several decades of KiloWatts (KW).
We also propose equivalent solutions of improvement or renovation of your power supplies integrating recent technologies. 

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